Translated from the German by ACHILLES ROSE, M.D., New York.
This volume embraces Rosenbach's discussion on the clinico-bacteriologic and hygienic problems based on original investigations. They represent a contest against the overgrowth of bacteriology, principally against the overzealous enthusiasm of orthodox bacteriologists.
PARTIAL CONTENTS - Significance of Animal Experiments for Pathology and Therapy, The Doctrine of Efficacy of Specifics, Disinfection in the Test Tube and in the Living Body, Should Drinking Water and Milk be Sterilized? In How Far Has Bacteriology Advanced Diagnosis and Cleared Up Aetiology? The Mutations of Therapeutic Methods; Stimulation, Reaction, Predisposition; Bacterial Aetiology of Pleurisy; The Significance of Sea Sickness; Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Phthisis; Constitution and Therapy; Care of the Mouth in the Sick; Some Remarks on Influenza; The Koch Method; The Cholera Question; Infection; Orotherapy; Undulations of Epidemics.
The Post Graduate, New York: "It is a rich storehouse for every physician and will give much food for thought."
12mo, Cloth. 455 Pages. $1.50, net; By Mail, $1.66.