A Short History of the World
by H.G. Wells
- I. The World in Space
- II. The World in Time
- III. The Beginnings of Life
- IV. The Age of Fishes
- V. The Age of the Coal Swamps
- VI. The Age of Reptiles
- VII. The First Birds and the First Mammals
- VIII. The Age of Mammals
- IX. Monkeys, Apes and Sub-men
- X. The Neanderthaler and the Rhodesian Man
- XI. The First True Men
- XII. Primitive Thought
- XIII. The Beginnings of Cultivation
- XIV. Primitive Neolithic Civilizations
- XV. Sumeria, Early Egypt and Writing
- XVI. Primitive Nomadic Peoples
- XVII. The First Sea-going Peoples
- XVIII. Egypt, Babylon and Assyria
- XIX. The Primitive Aryans
- XX. The Last Babylonian Empire and the Empire of Darius I
- XXI. The Early History of the Jews
- XXII. Priests and Prophets in Judea
- XXIII. The Greeks
- XXIV. The Wars of the Greeks and Persians
- XXV. The Splendour of Greece
- XXVI. The Empire of Alexander the Great
- XXVII. The Museum and Library at Alexandria
- XXVIII. The Life of Gautama Buddha
- XXIX. King Asoka
- XXX. Confucius and Lao Tse
- XXXI. Rome Comes into History
- XXXII. Rome and Carthage
- XXXIII. The Growth of the Roman Empire
- XXXIV. Between Rome and China
- XXXV. The Common Man's Life under the Early Roman Empire
- XXXVI. Religious Developments under the Roman Empire
- XXXVII. The Teaching of Jesus
- XXXVIII. The Development of Doctrinal Christianity
- XXXIX. The Barbarians Break the Empire into East and West
- XL. The Huns and the End of the Western Empire
- XLI. The Byzantine and Sassanid Empires
- XLII. The Dynasties of Suy and Tang in China
- XLIII. Muhammad and Islam
- XLIV. The Great Days of the Arabs
- XLV. The Development of Latin Christendom
- XLVI. The Crusades and the Age of Papal Dominion
- XLVII. Recalcitrant Princes and the Great Schism
- XLVIII. The Mongol Conquests
- XLIX. The Intellectual Revival of the Europeans
- L. The Reformation of the Latin Church
- LI. The Emperor Charles V
- LII. The Age of Political Experiments; of Grand Monarchy and Parliaments and Republicanism in Europe
- LIII. The New Empires of the Europeans in Asia and Overseas
- LIV. The American War of Independence
- LV. The French Revolution and the Restoration of Monarchy in France
- LVI. The Uneasy Peace in Europe That Followed the Fall of Napoleon
- LVII. The Development of Material Knowledge
- LVIII. The Industrial Revolution
- LIX. The Development of Modern Political and Social Ideas
- LX. The Expansion of the United States
- LXI. The Rise of Germany to Predominance in Europe
- LXII. The New Overseas Empires of Steamship and Railway
- LXIII. European Aggression in Asia, and the Rise of Japan
- LXIV. The British Empire in 1914
- LXV. The Age of Armament in Europe, and the Great War of 1914-18
- LXVI. The Revolution and Famine in Russia
- LXVII. The Political and Social Reconstruction of the World