
Causes of the Power of Pericles. - Judicial Courts of the dependant Allies transferred to Athens. - Sketch of the Athenian Revenues. - Public Buildings the Work of the People rather than of Pericles. - Vices and Greatness of Athens had the same Sources. - Principle of Payment characterizes the Policy of the Period. - It is the Policy of Civilization. - Colonization, Cleruchia.

The Heroic Age. - Theseus. - His legislative Influence upon Athens. - Qualities of the Greek Heroes. - Effect of a Traditional Age upon the Character of a People.

The Athenian Tragedy. - Its Origin. - Thespis. - Phrynichus. - Aeschylus. - Analysis of the Tragedies of Aeschylus.

I. From the melancholy fate of Miltiades, we are now invited to a subject no less connected with this important period in the history of Athens. The interval of repose which followed the battle of Marathon allows us to pause, and notice the intellectual state to which the Athenians had progressed since the tyranny of Pisistratus and his sons.

Revision of the Census. - Samian War. - Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Athenian Comedy to the Time of Aristophanes.

The Successors of Theseus. - The Fate of Codrus. - The Emigration of Nileus. - The Archons. - Draco.

Aristides. - His Character and Position. - The Rise of Themistocles. - Aristides is Ostracised. - The Ostracism examined. - The Influence of Themistocles increases. - The Silver-mines of Laurion. - Their Product applied by Themistocles to the Increase of the Navy. - New Direction given to the National Character.

A General Survey of Greece and the East previous to the time of Solon. - The Grecian Colonies. - The Isles. - Brief account of the States on the Continent. - Elis and the Olympic Games.

The Preparations of Darius. - Revolt of Egypt. - Dispute for the Succession to the Persian Throne. - Death of Darius. - Brief Review of the leading Events and Characteristics of his Reign.

[1] "Cum consuetudine ad imperii cupiditatem trahi videretur." - Nepos in Vit. Milt., cap. 8.

[2] Corn. Nepos in Vit. Milt., cap. 7.

[3] Nepos. in Vit. Milt., cap. 7.

[4] Herod., lib. vi., cap. cxxxvi.

[5] Nepos says the fine was estimated at the cost of the navy he had conducted to Paros; but Boeckh rightly observes, that it is an ignorant assertion of that author that the fine was intended for a compensation, being the usual mode of assessing the offence.

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