
Situation and Soil of Attica. - The Pelasgians its earliest Inhabitants. - Their Race and Language akin to the Grecian. - Their varying Civilization and Architectural Remains. - Cecrops. - Were the earliest Civilizers of Greece foreigners or Greeks? - The Foundation of Athens. - The Improvements attributed to Cecrops. - The Religion of the Greeks cannot be reduced to a simple System. - Its Influence upon their Character and Morals, Arts and Poetry. - The Origin of Slavery and Aristocracy.

Thucydides chosen by the Aristocratic Party to oppose Pericles. - His Policy. - Munificence of Pericles. - Sacred War. - Battle of Coronea. - Revolt of Euboea and Megara. - Invasion and Retreat of the Peloponnesians. - Reduction of Euboea. - Punishment of Histiaea - A Thirty Years' Truce concluded with the Peloponnesians. - Ostracism of Thucydides.

The unimportant consequences to be deduced from the admission that Cecrops might be Egyptian. - Attic Kings before Theseus. - The Hellenes. - Their Genealogy. - Ionians and Achaeans Pelasgic. - Contrast between Dorians and Ionians. - Amphictyonic League.

The Character and Popularity of Miltiades. - Naval Expedition. - Siege of Paros. - Conduct of Miltiades. - He is Accused and Sentenced. - His Death.

Causes of the Power of Pericles. - Judicial Courts of the dependant Allies transferred to Athens. - Sketch of the Athenian Revenues. - Public Buildings the Work of the People rather than of Pericles. - Vices and Greatness of Athens had the same Sources. - Principle of Payment characterizes the Policy of the Period. - It is the Policy of Civilization. - Colonization, Cleruchia.

The Heroic Age. - Theseus. - His legislative Influence upon Athens. - Qualities of the Greek Heroes. - Effect of a Traditional Age upon the Character of a People.

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