Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Reduction of Naxos. - Actions off Cyprus. - Manners of Cimon. - Improvements in Athens. - Colony at the Nine Ways. - Siege of Thasos. - Earthquake in Sparta. - Revolt of Helots, Occupation of Ithome, and Third Messenian War. - Rise and Character of Pericles. - Prosecution and Acquittal of Cimon. - The Athenians assist the Spartans at Ithome. - Thasos Surrenders. - Breach between the Athenians and Spartans. - Constitutional Innovations at Athens. - Ostracism of Cimon.

Histiaeus, Tyrant of Miletus, removed to Persia. - The Government of that City deputed to Aristagoras, who invades Naxos with the aid of the Persians. - Ill Success of that Expedition. - Aristagoras resolves upon Revolting from the Persians. - Repairs to Sparta and to Athens. - The Athenians and Eretrians induced to assist the Ionians. - Burning of Sardis. - The Ionian War. - The Fate of Aristagoras. - Naval Battle of Lade. - Fall of Miletus. - Reduction of Ionia. - Miltiades. - His Character. - Mardonius replaces Artaphernes in the Lydian Satrapy. - Hostilities between Aegina and Athens.

War between Megara and Corinth. - Megara and Pegae garrisoned by Athenians. - Review of Affairs at the Persian Court. - Accession of Artaxerxes. - Revolt of Egypt under Inarus. - Athenian Expedition to assist Inarus. - Aegina besieged. - The Corinthians defeated. - Spartan Conspiracy with the Athenian Oligarchy. - Battle of Tanagra. - Campaign and Successes of Myronides. - Plot of the Oligarchy against the Republic. - Recall of Cimon. - Long Walls completed. - Aegina reduced. - Expedition under Tolmides. - Ithome surrenders. - The Insurgents are settled at Naupactus.

The Persian Generals enter Europe. - Invasion of Naxos, Carystus, Eretria. - The Athenians Demand the Aid of Sparta. - The Result of their Mission and the Adventure of their Messenger. - The Persians advance to Marathon. - The Plain Described. - Division of Opinion in the Athenian Camp. - The Advice of Miltiades prevails. - The Dream of Hippias. - The Battle of Marathon.

Change of Manners in Athens. - Begun under the Pisistratidae. - Effects of the Persian War, and the intimate Connexion with Ionia. - The Hetaerae. - The Political Eminence lately acquired by Athens. - The Transfer of the Treasury from Delos to Athens. - Latent Dangers and Evils. - First, the Artificial Greatness of Athens not supported by Natural Strength. - Secondly, her pernicious Reliance on Tribute. - Thirdly, Deterioration of National Spirit commenced by Cimon in the Use of Bribes and Public Tables. - Fourthly, Defects in Popular Courts of Law. - Progress of General Education.

The work, a portion of which is now presented to the reader, has occupied me many years - though often interrupted in its progress, either by more active employment, or by literary undertakings of a character more seductive. These volumes were not only written, but actually in the hands of the publisher before the appearance, and even, I believe, before the announcement of the first volume of Mr. Thirlwall's History of Greece, or I might have declined going over any portion of the ground cultivated by that distinguished scholar [1].

[1] In their passage through the press I have, however, had many opportunities to consult and refer to Mr. Thirlwall's able and careful work.

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